Sunday, November 21, 2010

Not a Question

Have you ever asked a question with a goal of making someone tell you something?

Does this shirt make me look fat?

Let's hope you aren't a spouse. More specifically, let's hope you aren't the victim. You already know "the" answer, and you know it isn't a question, despite its intonation. Of course it doesn't make you look fat. You look great. This is called fishing for compliments, and there are many forms of it.

I just wish I was better looking.

Of course you're good looking! Why would you even say that?
This one is especially tricky; there is no constructive criticism to offer, as opposed to countering our initial fishing phrase with "I actually prefer this one on you..." To be fair, an ever-present option remains: "well, you do have a great personality!"

I propose a new order. If someone wearing an unflattering shirt asks you what you think, for god's sake, tell them. They could change their shirt, and not embarrass themselves (as much). If they are offended, take comfort in the fact that you are now a martyr, suffering their wrath to improve their perception among their peers. Try not to think about the fact that their perception by others is probably more of a concern to you than it is to them.

Try hard. Happy Monday!

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